Sunday, March 9, 2008

Just In Time For Saint Patrick's Day-True Green Beer

Green Beer-Lucky Lab Goes Solar

No, Did not visit Oregon, but found a very interesting story on the internet about liquid gold, the nectar of the god’s, a true green beer just in time for Saint Patrick’s Day festivities…seems that folks at the Lucky Lab Brew Pub have GONE SOLAR. Step up to the bar folks and have a taste of true liquid sunshine, a beer kissed by the sun.

A row of solar panels installed on the roof of the brew pub gather energy from the sun that is then used to heat a 900 gallon tank of water than stands nearby. The heated water is then used to brew what they playfully refer to their new suds as “Sun Beer”.

The $70,000 cost to install the solar system will be recouped in a few short years, while saving the small brew pub money for at least the nest 25 years. The owners are planning on installing similar solar units at their other locations. So, this year on Saint Patrick's day, look for some True Green Beer.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

McCain Stump Speech-A Preview

I know, who would have thought that the Green Cosmic Rabbit was a political junkie? Well, I am and have had an exciting night watching the Primary Election returns. First, though I disagree with his politics, I give a tip of my hat to Huckabee who has shown himself to be nothing but a class act in every way. I would have never voted for him, but would invite him and his wife over to dinner in a heartbeat. His speech withdrawing from the race tonight was perfect, and have a feeling we have not heard the last of him.

For those who missed it, Texas was a BARN BURNER...early results had Obama up by almost 15 percentage points, but as the night went on, as more precincts checked in, his lead began to dissappear, down to 12, then ten, then eight, then two percent and finanlly late in the evening Hillary Clinton over came him and prevailed, winning Texas to go with Rhode Island, and a MONSTER win in the state of Ohio.

That brings us to McCain, probably the least Green Political Candidate in the race. He is now officially the Republican Party Candidate in this fall's Presidential Campaign, will have his photo op with President Bush tomorrow...I can hardly wait for that one! To prepare everyone for the next few months, Green World Horizons is proud to bring you a SNEAK PREVIEW of his stump speech.

My friends, we are here today because I am here, and not somewhere else. If I were there, I would not be here, so listen to me my friends, we are HERE, and you can count on me being there when you need me to be unless you need me here.

I promise you this friends, and trust me, you are my friends; here, right now, this very second is what we have, it is all that really matters.

Sure, we made some mistakes in Iraq, and things have not gone well, but that was then, and this is now, and my friends now is what really counts, this very second my friends is what counts, what you have to focus in on. I want you to know this…when I am elected President, I promise you I will do everything in my power to lower your taxes, nominate strict constructionist judges to the Supreme Court, seek a Constitutional Amendment to make marriage between a man and a woman the law, and solve the immigration problem by granting Amnesty to anyone here, or any one that wants to come here as long as they are from Mexico as they are a part of the North American Union.

But remember this my friends, I am but one man, your humble servant who happens to owe a few lobbyist some really BIG FAVORS. But my friends, I don’t want you to worry about that.
As right now, we are here, and today that is what really matters, what we share this moment in the here and now.

Now, I know I talked about being a one term president, and I know a lot of Americans want our troops home, but sometimes to keep our enemy hemmed in we have to make sacrifices, so we may have troops in Iraq for the next 100 years. But my friends, it is going to be all right my friends, because I promise you this, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart. Even if it takes all eight years of my presidency, even if I have to stick around for an extra four year term, I will hunt down Osama Bin Laden, even into the gates of hell. OK, not me personally, but I will have people working on it, day and night, at least most of the time if we are not bogged down in Iran. That if it happens is tomorrow, and we cannot worry ourselves about tomorrow my friends because it never really gets here.

My friends, I know times are tough right now, some of you my friends are working 2, even 3 jobs to earn a living and feed your families, and I want to address that. You see my friends, I am not sure about our economy, I know it has some problems, but I know Reagan, and I know he was really keen on trickle down economics, and if it was good enough for him, it is good enough for me, so I want to make tax cuts for the richest Americans in our country permanent, keep trickle down economics working for all Americans, because Reagan was a great president, and I want to be a great conservative president for each and every one of you.

Now a few of you will have to sacrifice, you might lose your house, be on food stamps, but my friends, I ask you to give my plan time to work, within five years of my being in office, one year into my second term my friends, I hope to show you some real progress in this area.

Now my friends, and I am your friend, I don’t want you focusing in on my votes, as that is in the past, and what is in the past should stay in the past, but my friends; I have experience, and we as a nation need someone in the Oval Office with experience, and so with that experience my friends; it makes me the obvious choice for your vote. Sure I have made some mistakes, but we are not going to focus in on those, because you see, I am your humble servant, the man who has given his life to this country, owes everything he has to this fine nation.

My friends, I know what you are thinking, you are wondering how a man on a civil service salary has managed to acquire so much wealth…well my friends, I married well. She’s a bit of a shrew my friends, can be a bit of a bitch, but my friends, she takes care of me, and in that fact you can be sure she will make a great first lady.

So in recapping my friends, I want to tell you this my friends. We are here, and right now at this very moment now is all that really matters because you see my friends; yesterday is past, and we cannot go back and relive it and tomorrow never gets here. So my friends, remember right now, but don’t focus in on it as it is already in the past my friends.

I thank you all for coming here today, and my friends remember to vote for me in November.

God Bless and Goodbye.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Terrorism Under Any Name, Including Green is Wrong...Turn in ELF Members

I am pretty passionate about certain issues where our environment is concerned, with the crimes of the nuclear industry at the top of my list. I can date my environmental activism back over 30 years; have been green to some degree for a long time before it became popular. I’ve protested written letters, campaigned for change and gotten angry with polluters and companies that were raping our environment. What I have not done, what I do not condone is violence in the name of our Mother Earth, destruction of property in the name of the cause, regardless of what that cause is…there is no place in this world for terrorism under any guise.

Today on CNN breaking news involved firefighters attempting to douse an out of control fire in Wooinville, Washington, a suburb of Seattle, involving three model homes (unoccupied). Early news states a sign from the radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front (ELF) was found at the scene of the fires. The spray painted sheet bore the initials of ELF who has claimed responsibility for dozens of destructive attacks on property since the 1990’s.

A spokesperson for the local sheriff’s office stated the pre-dawn fire caused $7 million dollars to the project known as the “Street of Dreams”. The row of furnished luxury model homes were toured last summer by tens of thousands of visitors wanting to see the latest in high end landscaping and interior design. Three homes were burned to the ground while two others suffered serious smoke damage. One has to ask why? Does ELF really believe such destructive actions win people to their cause?

Fire Chief Rick Eastman said incendiary devices were found in and removed from the homes, but Kelvin Crenshaw of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms in Seattle says no evidence show use of such devices. The FBI is now investigating the fire as a potential Domestic Terrorist Act said their spokesperson Rick Kolko from their office in Washington, DC.

The sign left behind at the site stated, “Built Green? Nope black!” and McMansions in RCDs r not green” referring to development of rural cluster developments blighting scenic America. Do I have a problem with Mc Mansions blighting America’s rural communities? Yes I do, but destruction of property, risking lives, wasting all those building materials is not the way to make a political statement, does more harm to the Green Movement than good. No injuries were reported, but that does not matter.

Citizens need to get involved, supporters of ELF need to rethink their positions, start reporting to authorities what it is that they know. Someone out in the Seattle area knows who started these fires, and that person or persons needs to report what they know to the authorities, turn in those responsible. There is simply no excuse for terrorism in society, even in the name of saving the environment. Those who support groups like ELF, groups such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) need to rethink their support of groups that embrace violence as a part of their political platform for change.