Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Turkey Point Nuclear Reactors CRASH GRID

The Great Florida Power Outage of 2008-Grid Failure, or Nuclear Reactor Malfunction?

Details are streaming in about the massive power outage that is disrupting the lives of over 4.4 million Floridians as they try to go about their daily lives. We know so far that the outage affects a wide swath of Florida from Jacksonville to Miami, and going North up to Tampa on Florida’s Gulf Coast.

Reports dribbling out to the mainstream media have eight power plants off grid for some period of time, including three nuclear reactors at Florida Power and Light’s Turkey Point facility that has had numerous problems in the past.

The Great Florida Power Outage struck just after 1 p.m., as scattered thunderstorms passed through the region, thus bringing Florida to a halt, stranding travelers, and creating traffic problems at major intersections. So are, officials and power plant spokespeople are being mum about the cause of the outage.

The Department of Homeland Security, always wanting to justify their existence was quick to issue a statement assuring the public there was no immediate concern that terrorism was behind the outage.

Stan Johnson, of the North American Electric Reliability Council, verified to the press that eight power plants were off-line across the region. Officials are claiming the outage has been contained, but only time will verify that optimistic belief.

In late breaking news, there is a discrepancy on how many people are affected…a spokesperson for FPL is now claiming that only 600,000-800,000 people were actually without power, but then she qualified that by stating in their customer service area. Further, there is now news flowing in that the Great Florida GRID CRASH was caused by a seriously safety or operational problem at the Turkey Point Reactors that caused a SCRAM, which is a EMERGENCY SHUT DOWN of the reactors to halt a serious of chain events that could have lead to a melt down of the reactors.

WFTV: Disney World hit by outage

WPLG: Power goes out in Southern Florida

WFOR: Power stations affected by failure

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